Sunday 18 September 2011

Home Sweet Home

Fussel, Caesar and Cleo has gone home.  Their owners came to pick them up this evening and all of a sudden, it feels weird not having them here.  I miss them already....but they are back with their loving owners and they were so happy to see them so that makes me really happy.

Now, Whitley will have his pen all to himself and will have to play with the adults again, which he dont really mind actually.  My day today was an extremely busy one.  Woke up really early to make sure the dogs get their time out, the contractors came over to get the work outside finished.  All the four pups had a bath and I used the bath salt on them and they smell so lovely after the bath.  I then went to pick Patrick up from the vet (he had an abscess on his neck) he is fine, just needed it cleaned.  He probably got it when they were playing ball and one of them must have accidently made a tiny puncture when they grabbed him by the neck while playing.  Then, I sent them all to the groomers just so the contractors have some space to do their work without them getting in their way.  They are due for a bath too anyway.

After that, we all came home and they were fed and were out in the garden.  They are all looking great after the groomers.  I really love my groomer.  She does a great job and has genuine love for animals which is the most important thing for me.

The contractors finished doing what they had to do and I just got a little bit more to do at home and things will be super then.  Tomorrow will be cleaning up day and then things will be back to normal again and just have to prepare for the upcoming show.  Goodnight!

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