Thursday 15 September 2011

Busy Busy....

Caesar and Cleo are here.  They are staying with us for a couple of days.  Whitley and Fussel are so happy to see them.  After their owners left,  they were fed and they gobbled everything up in less than a minute (Caesar usually eats quite slow and gets distracted if another puppy wants to play)  They played happily in the garden with the adults.  Aimee loves to chase Caesar.  Cleo loves to play with Whitley.

Yesterday I went shopping for scissors and ended up buying one and also a very pretty grooming bag (for dog show)  There were so many to choose from, it was a tough decision to make and finally settled for a black one.

The next two weeks is going to be super busy and hectic.  I have a dog show coming up, I might have a guest coming during that time to help me at the show, had the garderner in today,  got the painters coming tomorrow and the day after, got to train Caesar and King and care for all of them too.  On Saturday, I am going to give the pups a bath followed by Pet Esthe Aromatic Bath Salt ! I love Pet Esthe products, it gives you great satisfaction at the end of the day. Phew, its going to be tiring.... I better go get the dogs in as its time for me to go to bed.  Good night and pictures to follow tomorrow.

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