Friday 6 January 2012

Day 3 with baby bird

I thought I would update everyone on baby bird.  He is doing well, grown a little, I think...he eats wholemeal bread soaked in some water.  In the water, I crushed some spirulina tablet and stir in the water.  I put spirulina in so that he gets some good stuff to grow well.

The weather now is just ridiculous!!  Past few months there were so much rain, and now all of a sudden, its so terribly hot!!  When I go out just for one second from my door to the car, it can give me a headache because of the heat.

The doggies are fine, maybe not too happy with the weather but its just something we have to tolerate.

Remember how I always say that I dont get to go on holidays? Well lately I been thinking I should! And I am planning one.  I would like to go to Scotland again, for the 8th time.  But this time with my camera! hahaha....I havent a clue as to when just yet, but I would like to go.  I am also thinking on having a sheltie party.  I would like to invite all my friends who owns  shelties over and it will be wonderful to see all the shelties gathered together and to take one nice picture of all of them.  I havent got any dates yet, but I am planning it.

I took a picture of the baby bird today and here it is.  And for the first time, I have bananas from my very own tree!  Very excited to try it.

Baby bird sleeping

Bananas from my own tree!

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