Thursday 17 November 2011


I got presents today!! And this is what there are.....arent they beautiful?? I love them.  Thank you!! I shall put them up soon....

Caesar and Cleo are here and I am super busy, and now am taking some time to rest while I post this.  I thought Whitley would be really happy with the both of them here but when they arrived, Whitley suddenly started behaving like an adult! well almost.  While the two play and invites Whitley to play, he would prefer to rest or sleep and will give the both of them a kind of look as if he was saying - hey you kids, behave yourself and let me rest, hahahaha....but dont get me wrong, Whitley still plays with them, just that he behaves a bit more like an adult now.  Yesterday I saw Patrick lying down after loads of playing with Whitley, but Whitley was up for more but Patrick looked very very tired, so Patrick ignored Whitley and continue to lie down, and then Whitley bit his ears and pulled it, hahahahah asking him to GET UP!!!  And Patrick gave in and continued to play with Whitley.

I notice, my dogs, as they get mature, they tend to be cleaner, they avoid getting wet and dirty.  All of them wont mess themselves up in the wet weather now and will look pretty clean eventhough they were out on the wet grass, now the only one that doesnt behave that way is Patrick.  If the garden is wet, even better for him he thinks, hahahha.  At the end of the day after playing, I will go - Oh my god....Same for the pups.  Everyday after grooming Whitley, I would think to myself what a handsome boy.  Then after playing with Patrick in the garden, hard work down the drain.  But pups are like that,  I expect Patrick to be better but then again it wasnt until Jenna and the rest got to about 2 years old then only the avoid getting wet and dirty.  So hopefully Patrick will learn soon.

Present Number 1
Present Number 2



Whitley staring at his ball, he is probably very tired after playing with Patrick and they messed each other up, hehehe



  1. Love the Sheltie items! So nice!
    Awww... Josh is so fluffy now! Is it full coat now?
    And Caesar has exactly the tail like his dad, and face like Daisy's?

  2. Yup, Josh was fluffy quite some time back already. Yes Caesar has tail like daddy, the colour looks like daddy also, face also like daddy eventhough not same markings.
