Tuesday 31 December 2013

A Wrap up (Sheltie / Dog Care)

Good Morning, we've talked about tick prevention and heartworm prevention. Today is a wrap up on sheltie / dog care. Apart from tick prevention and heartworm prevention, we need to feed our dog a balanced meal that would meet their nutritional requirement.

There are so many dog food out there...which to choose?  I will only go with one brand..which is Royal Canin...I have been feeding my dogs Royal Canin for a long time and I can see the difference between a dog that was fed other food (from when they were in the womb) and my dogs that are on Royal Canin(also from when they were in the womb) I see a whole lot of difference.

Yeah yeah there are "so called" dog food review and people actually believe it just because its published on the net. Not EVERYTHING you see on net is reliable.  No one ever question how reliable these reviews are.  

Lets compare Royal Canin with other brand....Most brand even the premium or super premium brand have a "one size fit all concept" meaning any dog regardless of breed or size takes the same thing...how is that logic?  A Chihuahua's needs and a German Shepherd needs surely cant be the same!  Royal Canin is so specific when formulating the food thats why they have food specifically only for German Shepherd, Labrador, Golden Retriever etc...they all have special and different needs, for example, a German Shepherd's skin has a different PH level compared to other dogs.Within the canine species, skin Ph varies according to breeds. German Shepherd dogs have a much more alkaline Ph than other large breed dogs. Research has shown that an alkaline skin is more prone to bacteria development than an acid one. So, that is why they created food that is specific for certain breeds.

People often ask me when I walk the dog about the shampoo I use...I am sure they ask that because they are impressed with their coat...But its not the shampoo, its the food.

Ok, so food is very important too.

Now we shall talk about how often a dog should bath.  Most people bath their dog once a week.  For me that is pretty acceptable if they tend to get dirty very fast.  But if you have a choice and your dog isnt dirty try to make it once every two weeks.  Am sure some of you are going yuck!  But hahaha...I have news for you...have you ever wondered why some people complain their dog smell even after giving them a bath few days ago?  The dog has got a natural layer of oil that protects their skin.  They more you shampoo them the more you remove that precious oil and when the oil is gone....TADA bacteria growing and thats why you get a stinky dog!

I bath my dogs ONCE a month...they dont smell at all...they are groomed daily.  Grooming keeps their coat it good shape because we are ventilating the skin and so the skin is healthy.  Using a good and not harsh shampoo helps.  My Favourite shampoo and conditioner is PET ESTHE.  It is very gentle on the skin and it cleans the dog well and it leaves a very nice pleasant LIGHT smell.  Not like some dog shampoo that could choke you.  Remember a dog's sense of smell is about 100000 times stronger than a human's so just imagine how irritating it can be for them!

And as I mentioned in my other post, the sun is important too...so let your dogs get out and get some sun.

Lastly, please make sure you vaccinate your dog.  It is very very important.  A puppy will usually have 3 vaccines in the first year  and then it becomes a yearly affair.  If unsure when to vaccinate, always speak to your vet.

So, in ensuring your dog is happy and healthy and that you dont end up with high unnecessary vet bills, if you do the following, you can be sure you are doing the best for your dog.

1. Good food, I will recommend only ROYAL CANIN
2. Heartworm prevention
3. Tick Prevention (FRONTLINE COMBO)
4. Vaccination
5. Bath only when necessary, I recommend PET ESTHE SHAMPOO and CONDITIONER(remember the sun)

Okey dokey, that is all for the physical health.  In my next post, we will be talking about mental health (DOGS)

Have a wonderful day!!

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